Saturday, July 24, 2010

UTAR Kampar HOT issue

This issue is being goreng HOT in fb la...blogspot la...
that is it about ! Please take a look :

b4 this, the parking at east gate were FOC (free-of-charge)

juz a joke
1. the parking in the campus is insufficient for the student
2. they try to park the car outside the campus
3. the land owner start to have $$ face
4. try to cooperate with the BIG BOS to prevent student to parking out there
5. clamp some cars
6. build some gate as the entry of the parking (even the primary school Scout can make the gate better then them =.=)
7. RM 1 per entry @.@
8. demonstrate!!!(juz some imagination...^^)

kasihan punya bicycle oso kena CLAMPED =.=
if the student dare to do...the chain's cutter demand will increase!!! XP

That is it!
macam macam ada!
P/S: " The evolution of the human rights movement clearly illustrates humanity's ongoing struggle toward creating a better world."
-- Robert Alan

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